Go Green At Work

Posted: December 20, 2011 Category: Blog, General, Industry News

Working in a “green” office, or making your current office greener is something that a lot of people are aiming to accomplish. The idea of reducing your carbon footprint is appealing to most people, and so it should! To make your conversion to a greener office space, we got our hands on some information that might help you become the “greenployee” of the month!

Everybody loves gadgets, right?! So why is it that there aren’t any green gadgets out there? Fact of the matter is that there totally are…we just don’t seem to hear about them on TV or radio ads. There is actually a great amount of useful green gadgets out there, some of which are reviewed in this article. The highlights would definitely be the laptop bag, USB drive, and the eco-friendly printer, to name a few. Word on the street is that there is even a project in the works that is creating printable ink that will eventually fade away to make the paper re-useable; sheer brilliance!

Another article we found presented some great options for energy conservation. For instance, turning off the coffee maker, printer, computer, unplugging unused chargers, etc. would significantly decrease energy consumption around your office. However, one of the best suggestions in this article, is to start videoconferencing and telecommunicating to cut down travel costs and carbon emissions.

Now we would like to know: What are your ideas to create a greener work environment? Are you currently implementing some of these suggested strategies? Do you have better idea than listed above? Let’s hear it!


photo courtesy of TheGiantVermin

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