Over The Counter

Posted: December 8, 2011 Category: Blog, General, Uncategorized

The world we live in is a very enticing place. No matter what you may be looking for, there always seems to be an alternative, a better product, a cheaper product, a comparable price point, a better price point, etc. The same instance occurs in the realm of real estate. There are ways to market yourself or to run your business by spending little to no money. However, despite the likeliness of your not wanting to hear us say so, we’re going to say this anyways: “You’ve gotta spend money to make money.”

This statement has stood the test of time for one simple reason: it’s the truth. Sure, you may rather write your name and number down on a “sticky note” than spend money on business cards to hand out; you may decide to take out an ad in the paper instead of getting a professional website done; you may even get your friends or family to take photos of you for marketing purposes instead of a professional, but you will never reap the full benefits of the more efficient counterparts in these scenarios.

Sadly, the same predicaments as these lie within real-estate back-office solutions. Buying software over the counter is a very affordable alternative to subscribing to a service. You can pull out the heavy “how to” guide accompanied with the software to figure it out if you don’t understand anything about how you want this software to work for you (the likeliness of this is all too high), and then grumble through your anticipated call to the “1-800” hot line that’s been set up and staffed by people who are not hands on with the company or the software, to have a shot at figuring out your budgeted purchase.

If this process sounds appealing to you, then by all means fire away, however we seriously believe that we can help you beyond your wildest dreams with your back-office solutions. Let Enviromint take care of you and personally tend to your affairs instead of call-center referrals or thick instruction manuals. Because, honestly, your business is something you should never sell yourself short on.


photo courtesy of jeff_w_brooktree

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